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Everything Virgo
Virgo in Love
All About Virgo
Ruler: Mercury
Exaltation: When in Mercury
Detriment: When in Jupiter
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Physical Correlations: Intestinal tract, metabolism, solar plexus
Archetype: The Perfectionist. The Gracious Servant. The Analyst.
Shadow Archetype: The Cynic. The Complaining Critic. The Obsessive-Compulsive Controller.
Task in this Lifetime: To learn to express themselves through service to others. To learn the art of discernment in order to improve and create the betterment of life’s systems, structures and processes.
Pitfall in this Lifetime: To be too critical of self and others, never thinking anything is good enough and always striving for something better. Nerve-racking perfectionism. Overlooking life’s beautiful, romantic metaphor for the harsher, more cynical and literal reality.
Guiding Principal: I humbly create the ideal! Virgo is here on earth to come to the understanding that they don’t have to be perfect to be loveable, or perfect to reach their own self-mastery. Masters make mistakes, too. Mistakes are invaluable lessons that develop mental and emotional stamina, chi, power, tenacity, drive and fortitude. Highly principled Virgos will ultimately learn a deep self-mastery, from their mistakes. Highly principled Virgos will ultimately learn a deep self-mastery, from their mistakes. bringing order to chaos. They have a deep desire to make sense of and provide pragmatic and easeful solutions to problems, both large and small. They are here to become the very best possible version of themselves in this lifetime and to learn to accept flaws and weaknesses (in self and others) without judgment. They will come to serve from the heart with unconditional and non-judgmental humility. Their highest calling is to serve mankind and a highly evolved Virgo will authentically and humbly grows into true mastery.
At best: Virgos are supremely conscientious and altruistic role models that set the highest example for the world.
At worst: They are critical, controlling and self- righteous.
Famous Virgos: Michael Jackson, Adam Sandler, Kobe Bryant, Cameron Diaz, Grandma Moses, Louise Thompson Patterson, Pete Carroll, Tim Burton, Marco Polo, Tom Ford, Karl Lagerfeld, David Copperfield, Mother Teresa, Stephen King
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