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Everything Aquarius
Aquarius Rising
Aquarius in Love
All About Aquarius
Ruler: Uranus and Saturn
Exaltation: When in Mercury
Detriment: When in one’s Sun Sign
Element: Air
Quality: Yang
Physical Correlations: Lower legs and pancreas
Archetype: The Innovative Liberator
Shadow Archetype: The Rebellious Anarchist
Task in this Lifetime: Aquarius is here on earth to innovate, revolutionize the world. To build a life of fairness.
Pitfall in this Lifetime: To be too indecisive; out of touch with deeper feelings, superficial, and the inability to operate independently or know one’s own preference.
Guiding Principal: I innovate! Aquarius’ mission in life is to challenge the ‘system’ by creating and internal or external revolution in order to create freedom and fairness for all. True humanitarians, these progressive souls are moved by social conscience and can see what the world will need in 20 years-time. Aquarians pave the way for new innovations, unconventional thoughts and modern beliefs to help society evolve. Fearless ‘out of the box’ Aquarians will be found as the great force overhauling an outdated system.
At worst: Aquarians are so unconventional in their desire to reform the world, they become un-relatable, becoming aloof to the “true” needs and desires of the masses. Feeling alienated and estranged, they cannot create their mission to help advance society because they can’t articulate or connect their ideas with others who can help advance them.
At best: They are the pure embodiment of the force that advances humanity.
Famous Aquarians: Oprah, Abraham Lincoln, Babe Ruth, Charles Darwin, Etta James, Charles Lindhberg, FD Roosevelt, Frederick Douglass, Rhonda Rousey, Galileo, Alice Walker,Ellen DeGeneres
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